Marc's Story of King Arthur Wiki

Sir Bors is the son of Bors the Older, brother of Duke Claudas and Sir Gwain. He is a part of The Knights of the Round Table since he helped end his brother's evil reign. Duke Claudas and his son Claudas II overtaxed their citizens, killed and tortured many for fun, as well as acted as Dictators rather then Leaders. So Bors and Gwain protected a fellow citizen and during the incident killed Claudas II. They fled to Camelot where future King Arthur and King Uther helped them lead an army North where Bors fought with them leading the right flank that ended up encircling the army and defeating it. Claudas was killed in the battle and Bors was made Duke of York where the people hailed him as Liberator.


Bors is known to bring around a giant broadsword and have the strength of three men. His families Broadsword, Starline, is said to have slain so many victims sometimes you can hear them screaming when you are close to the sword. He also carries around a short sword, and daggers for all manner of combat.
